Signature Sheet

Terms & Conditions of Participation

on guided tours with Green Dog Svalbard AS

By signing up for the tour, you agree to the following conditions:
  1. Participation in the tour is voluntary and is at your own responsibility.
  2. It is Your responsibility to read the tour description before you attend the trip tour.
  3. You must pay attention and follow the instructions from your Green Dog Svalbard guide.
  4. You are responsible for deciding whether you are physically fit and capable of participating on the tour, before signing up.
  5. The Green Dog Svalbard guide must be informed prior to commencement of the tour, if you have any health or medical conditions that may influence your participation of on the tour.
  6. You may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on the tour or handing dogs.
  7. Green Dog Svalbard is under no circumstances liable for any accidents or injuries happening due to circumstances outside the company’s control.
  8. Changes in the program may occur due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances.
  9. All clothing and equipment loaned out to you must be returned after the tour.Damage to equipment caused by you the customer, beyond regular wear and tear, will be invoiced to the client.
  10. You as the customer are responsible for taking out travel and medical insurance before participating in the tour
  11. Most of our tours are off road, in on uneven terrain. This increases the chances of falling, and this is especially extra important to be aware of, if you have recently had surgery or suffer from fragile bones.
  12. On our tours, there are hills. On hiking tours, but also on dog sledge tours, it can be necessary to walk these slopes.
  13. Green Dog Svalbard provides winter cloths, but still – going out in winter time might be cold. Make sure you wear warm base layer cloths clothes.
  14. On tours with dog sledge or dog cart, do not stand in front of the sledge or cart. If the sledge or cart starts to move forward and you don’t step aside, it might lead to an accident, inflicting bruises or injury.
  15. The dogs at Green Dog Svalbard are all social and eager dogs – and very strong dogs. The dogs might jump up or happily bounce. Handling the dogs and their joy, for some people can be overwhelming.
  16. Any complains, injuries or dissatisfaction leading to reimbursemen claim, MUST be addressed at the end of the tour, and a written statement must be filled in together with the guide or Green Dog Svalbard manager – if not, Green Dog Svalbard cannot be held responsible.
  17. Green Dog Svalbard has liability insurance for the costs associated with an emergency evacuation or rescue operation.  Any treatment after the actual rescue, should be covered by your own travel and medical insurance.
  18. The local hospital dos not recommend that pregnant woman participate on dogsledge activities.
  19. Any dispute brought before a court must be settled by a Norwegian court.

Cancellation fees for activities:
  • If cancelled 22 days or more prior to departure 100 % refund.
  • If cancelled 22-7 days prior to departure 50 % refund
  • Cancellation less than 7 days prior to departure does not qualify for any refund.
  • If Green Dog Svalbard decides to cancel a trip tour due to weather conditions or any other reasons, you will receive a full refund!
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Fantastic Nature Experiences

Fantastic Nature Experiences

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Denne aktivitet krever veldig god fysisk form


  • Ved avbestilling inntil 22 dager før aktivitet full refusjon.
  • Ved avbestilling 21-8 dager før aktivitet 50 % refusjon.
  • 7 – 0 dager før aktivitet regnes for en ”no show” og berettiger derfor ikke til refusjon.
  • Har man en reiseforsikring kan man søke forsikringsselskapet om refusjon mot legeerklæring.
  • Velger Green Dog å kansellere en tur, får du full refusjon!

Difficulty Levels


Suitable for everyone


Suitable for most people


Suitable for those in normal good shape


Suitable for those in good shape


This activity requires very good physical shape


  • If cancelled 22 days or more prior to departure 100 % refund.
  • If cancelled 22-7 days prior to departure 50 % refund.
  • Cancellation less than 7 days prior to departure is a ”no show” and does not qualify for any refund.
  • You may apply to your insurance company for a refund if you provide a medical certificate.
  • If Green Dog Svalbard decides to cancel a trip due to weather conditions or any other reasons, you will receive a full refund!


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